Eccl. 9:10 - Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might...
Col. 3:23 - Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily from the soul, as something done for the Lord and not for men.
So as we know in this life we all have to work. There is always something to be done or we all have jobs to do. We all have our differences and trials at our work places. But if you really think or alot of the trials and things you go through at work is it not just alot of flesh getting in the way. Like I don't like the way you did it, your attitude is bad, you always know better, not open to other peoples ideas, etc.
See we need to be open to seeing things a different way. Our way can be right but so can someone elses. When was the last time you did something someone elses way and not get upset?
See doing this with all your might, is also loving God with all your might. If we love God with all our might it won't matter how we do it, but as long as our attitude is right and we do it with excellence. It doesn't say do it with all your way.
Doing your task with all your soul is also loving God with all your soul.
We need to refocus our hearts and abilities. It's doing what you know and your job as if the Lord is standing their with you and you want to do your best for Him. Not trying to cut corners, leave something for someone else, try to get out of work. Even if no one else works like that, even a fellow christian, you do what God has called you to. We are Jesus with skin on. If they can see Jesus in what you do without you saying a word. Actions speak louder than words. Have you every said anything or someone sai something to you but you didn't do as you said? So does the world. We are to be above the world. Living from heaven down, not world up.