Joining God's Family at C.M.A.
Requirements for membership
- Personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Baptism by immersion as a believer
- A commitment to the family and it's needs
- Regular Church attendance and involvement to help spread the Gospel.
- Completed and signed application form. (available from the church office)
- Financial support through tithes and offerings.
- Membership Interview, in which you will be asked about your faith in Christ, your baptism, your Christian life and your interest in serving Him here.
The church Board votes on your application at one of their regular meetings. New members are publicly welcomed into the church family at a morning worship service.
Please indicate your desire to join on a welcome card or email the office and someone will contact you.
Benefits of Membership
- A place to serve the Lord.
- A place to be: belong, become and believe.
- Support in times of difficulty.
- A family to love and a place to love
- A church committed to your growth
- A place to raise your family in the fear of God.
- A place to bless and be a blessing.
- A place where you are remembered, appreciated and celebrated.
- A safe place to make mistakes and grow.