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# It is easy to fly and accomplish great things in life when you are blessed with humble and selfless spiritual and biological leaders in your life.
# Today, I chose to celebrate men who were willing and still willing to give us, their shoulders to stand.
# Men who allowed us, to stand on their shoulders, so we can get a better view of the future.
# Men who spoke courage and hope into our lives, when others were discouraging and putting us down.
# Men who through their lives, showed us, that with the Lord, on our side, all things, are possible.
# Men who taught us, that we are not permitted to define our lives by our past failures.
# Men who, are tough, as a nail, but tender at heart
# Men who are emotionally strong and secure, in the knowledge who they are, and who's they are.
# Men who taught us, that is okay, for a man to cry, and still be strong
# Lord Thank You, For Giving Me, men with strong Shoulders, of love and integrity To Stand On -
# Today, I want to say, thank you, Lord, for STRONG SHOULDERS
# Strong shoulders, of compassion.
# Strong shoulders, of love.
# Strong shoulders, of integrity
# Men of great character and integrity of heart
# There are men, then, there’re men of steel and great passion for the kingdom of God.
# I am talking about men and fathers after the order of Aaron and Hur. ( Exodus 17:12)
# I am talking about men and fathers, after the order of Joshua and Caleb.
# Men who will cross the seven seas of life's challenges on behalf of their fellow man. Men like the 3 men mighty of David
# I am talking men in the order of the three mighty men of David, who broke through the Philistines Garrison. ( 1 Chronicle 11:18)
# Men with excellent spirit, in whom there is no guile
# I am talking about men of great emotional stability.
# I am talking about men who are genuinely interested in our success.
# I am talking about all the great men that have touched and impacted my life, with the gifts of their love, devotion, and encouragement
# Men who genuinely want to see us, succeed.
# Men who are not jealous, neither are they threatened by our success.
# I am talking about men who are men enough to publicly celebrate our success.
# Men who are never intimidated by our success.
# Men who are so, secured in themselves, and matured enough to cover our flaws and weakness, and never used them against us.
# Men who are willing to get dirty, just to pull us out of the pit of self-destruction.
# Men who are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
# Men who are not afraid of living in the light of God's truth, in a depraved and corrupt society.
# Men who are as gentle as a dove, but tough as their heavenly prince. The Lion of the tribe of Judah.
# Men who are not ashamed or afraid to say, they are sorry when they are wrong.
# Men who are selfless enough to let you stand on their shoulder, so that you, can get a better view of the future.
# Men who are secured enough in themselves, that they are not threatened by your growth.
# Men who are always willing and ready to come alongside you, and walk with you, through Valley experience.
# Men who are not ashamed to identify with you, in your lowest season, and downtime.
# Men you can trust with your struggles and your fears.
# Men who honestly rejoice and celebrate you, in your season, of growth and great success.
# Men who are so secure in themselves, that they are never intimated by your growth
# Men who are not just satisfied with showing you, the way. But who will lead the way, even if the roads are marked with thorns and thistles.
# Men who are not afraid of getting dirty, so we can have a neat future.
# Men who are not ashamed to go into the dirty trenches, of life with you, and lead the way.
# Men who do not talk down or look down on you, even in your low estate.
# Men who are so, secure in themselves, that they are generous with their praise and affirmation of you.
# Men who are wise enough to be stingy with their criticism and cynicism of you, even when you're wrong as two left shoes, but in wisdom will speak life, to you
# Men who understand that kingdom success is not about us, but all about the Lord Jesus Christ.
# To all the men who stood with us, and by us when others, walked away - we thank you.
# To all the men who stayed when everyone else, left, I thank you
# To all the men who picked me up, when others dropped me, I say thank you.
# To all the men who taught me, that courage is not the absence of fear, but stepping out and stepping up, in spite of my fears. I say thank you.
# To all the men who taught me, that is okay to cry, when am hurting - I say thank you.
# To the men who believed in me, when everyone doubted me, including myself - I say thank you.
# To all the men who spoke up for me, when everyone else, was silent - I say thank you.
# Thank you, for encouraging me.
# Thank you, for correcting me. In love.
# Thank you, for allowing yourself to be used by the Lord to bless me and my family.
# Thank you for being a true role model
# Thank you, for your love and sacrifice
# Thank you for standing true, to what you believe
# I honour you, for your faith in Christ Jesus
# Thank you, for your Integrity of heart
# Thank you, for Leading by example
# Thank you for praying for me and standing with me, in prayers
# Thank you for your Positive Influence, in my life, and your family
# Thank you for letting me, stand on your shoulders.
# Thank you for giving me a helping hand when it mattered the most in my life.
# Thank you for being a man of honour, compassion and love.
# To all the men in my life, I say thank you.
# To all the men of cornerstone Mountain Assembly Church - I say thank you.
# To all my uncles I say thank you.
# To all my cousins I say thank you.
# To all my friends, I say thank you.
Clifford Newbury - Thank you
Ken Solbrekken - Thank you
Bright Iwhiwhu - Thank you
# To all my adopted fathers, I say thank you.
# To all my spiritual fathers, I say thank you.
# To my father, I say thank you.
( And Your Lives Shall End In Praise )
John Oche Omale.
God Bless