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Joshua 10:14
And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.

He that is the Glory of Israel shall fight for you

This is one battle you must win, because the armies of the invisible, immortal God are on your side (2KINGS 6:16-17)

This is one battle you must win, because for once the Lord your God, has heard you, and He is responding to you with speed and divine urgency (Psalms 34:4)

This is one battle you must win, because the Lord has heard your cry for help (Psalms 18:6)

This is one battle you must win, because thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. (Acts 10:4)

## So right now receive your victory over prostate cancer in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form of spinal injury and back pain , in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form of abnormal growth, arthritis, physical discomfort and limitations in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form of cancer and tumours, in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form sickness and disease in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form of financial lack and setbacks in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form sinful habits and lifestyle in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form of marital setbacks and frustrations, in Jesus mighty name

## Receive your victory over every form of barrenness, in Jesus mighty name.

Child of God your are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, that gives you His divine power and supernatural strength.
So rejoice and stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free,