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(Isaiah 49:15-16-: “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget,  yet I will not forget you. 16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.)

# Yes you, faithful servant of the most high be encouraged 
# Yes you, faithful father working overtime to make life better for your family.

# Yes, you faithful single mother. The Lord has not forgotten you and He will not forget you.

# Yes you, my dear widow, you may be feeling alone, abandoned and forsaken 

# You are not forgotten. The Lord sees your tears.

# Your labour of love for your family and children is not in vain.

#  Your efforts and sacrifice have not gone unnoticed by the hosts of heaven. 

# Your heavenly Father, appreciates all your sacrifice of love for your children, friends and family.

# You may think you're alone, forgotten and isolated in the back street of life. toiling alone, dealing with the pain of raising your children alone.

# You may think, you're alone in the trenches of life going through the pain of caring for that sick family member alone, but you are not alone.

# Will the Lord forget a faithful, dedicated, devoted father, and mother like you, in these trying hours? No, never God forbid!!

# Did He forget faithful Noah when judgements were visited upon the aged-old world? NO! Neither will the Lord, forget you now.

# Did God forget Lot when the fire came down from heaven to consume the cities of the plain? NO! Even in Lot's unfaithfulness, the Lord, still remains true to His character of love and mercy towards Lot.

# Did God forget Joseph, surrounded by idolaters in Egypt? NO! The Lord came through for him. That same God is your God, and He will surely come through for you and your family even now.

# Did God forget Elijah when Jezebel came breathing fire and brimstone on him? No! The Lord showed u for Elijah, the same God will show up for you and your family,

# Our God is on the throne and He will not leave you or forsake you and your family now be of good courage. 

# Our God did not forget the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace? Or Daniel, in the lion's den? 

# Then be of good courage my brother, my sister. whatever fire the enemy has thrown into, in Jesus' mighty name, you and your will surely come out of your affliction victoriously.

# My brother, my sister don't give up just yet the Lord is not done with you and your family.

# Men may have given up on you, and they may have even written you, off, but I see the invisible finger of God, re-writing your and that of your family, in Jesus' mighty name.

# Men may have forgotten you. But I see the Lord, remembering you and your family. Your New season is around the corner.

# (And God remembered Noah-Genesis 8:1) 

#  sons and daughters of the Lord, your new season to be remembered by heaven is around the corner. Cheer up.

# The Lord has sent me to tell you
You are not forgotten 

# Everything is going to be alright, sooner, than soon. Hang in there a little longer 

# My dear brothers and sisters, heaven appreciate and celebrates you for all you do for your family and friends.

# Your days, of great joy, are around the corner - hang in there, child of the Lord- I see great change coming your way.

# Your labour of love in the kingdom is not in vain 

# Your faithfulness and life of integrity shall soon be rewarded by heaven 

# Don't stop being you, don't stop being true to God, to man and to yourself.

# For your best days you haven't seen yet 
# your season, of harvest cometh

( And It Shall End In Praise)



God Bless