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Take me to the youthtoilet website.



If you have found a toilet on your lawn, a friend has probably sent it there!

Cornerstone Mountain Assembly and Pineview Alliance Church are fundraising for their joint youth group to attend Youth Conference in Red Deer this May with a fun toilet bowl fundraiser.  Any funds raised beyond our needs for the trip will go toward buying new supplies and equipment for our fall events and activities for the youth of Grande Cache.

This year we have set up a traveling toilet for an adventure around our town.

If you find the toilet on your lawn, we have a few donation tiers for different services.

$10 – we’ll come move the toilet
$20 – we’ll come move the toilet and you get to pick which house it goes to next!
$30 – we’ll come move the toilet, you get to pick which house it goes to, and you get toilet insurance, ensuring it can’t come back to your place!

To schedule a pick up, call or text (403) 671 6765 or email

Annoyed by this whole thing and don’t want to be a part of it?  Sorry about that!  Just call and let us know and we’ll come move the toilet as soon as possible!

And finally, if anyone knows how to get rid of all the placeholders on the website, I can’t find half of them in the WordPress UI and its driving me crazy!

“Always remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single movement.”


Grande Cache Youth is a joint Christian Youth group run by Cornerstone Mountain Assembly and Pineview Alliance Church.  We have between 10 and 25 students from our town come out every Friday evening to play games and learn together.


Through the website: