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For the Lord Jesus Christ, is Lord over all and in all

For the Lord is our judge,

The Lord is our lawgiver,

The Lord is our Redeemer

The Lord is our restorer and restoration


The Lord is our salvation

The Lord is our peace

The Lord is our hope

The Lord is our joy and joy giver

The Lord is our Savior


The Lord is our Healer

The Lord is our help in times of trouble

The Lord is our provider

The Lord is our refuge

The Lord is our fortress


The Lord is our bridge over life's oceans

The Lord is our defence and deliverer

The Lord is our light in darkness

The Lord is our way maker

The Lord is our wisdom


The Lord is our father

The Lord is our Lord

The Lord is our God

The Lord is our king


The Lord is the Bishop of our soul

The Lord is the Captain of our salvation

The Lord is the Author and perfecter of our faith

The Lord our God, reigns forever and ever

Blessed be His Holy Name


Praise glory and honour to His Holy name

Let's praise him, for He shall yet deliver

Let's honour Him, for He shall yet answer


Let's worship Him, for He's a covenant keeping God

Let's magnify Him, for He's Highly exhorted above all

Let's praise Him, for Him alone is worthy of our praise


He will save us. For He's mighty to save

Thank you, Jesus, our Lord and God

Lord Jesus, you alone deserve the glory

Jesus, you alone deserve all the honour and my praise





(Ochegba )