# You shall not be mocked for your faith and trust in the Lord, in Jesus' mighty name.
# As the entire world gropes in darkness and confusion
# As the hearts of many are filled with fear and anxiety, because of the political confusion, financial uncertainty, spiritual hunger, and emotional emptiness
# May the sure mercy of the Lord, eliminate fear and anxiety from your heart, in Jesus' name.
# May the sure mercy of Jesus Christ, keep you and your family from experiencing the same pain and disappointments of the last two months.
# I pray this scripture will find full expression in your life and that of every member of your household -this month and beyond in Jesus mighty name-
{Psalms 37:19-: They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.}
# May the grace that brought you and your family to the third month, that same grace will take you and your family, to the end of the year and beyond in Jesus' mighty name.
# I pray that the voice of evil and the desire of the wicked shall not prevail over you and your family this month.
# I pray that the voice of grace and mercy shall speak louder & clearer over you and your family, this month - than the noise of fear and condemnation.
# May the voice of healing and deliverance speak louder over you and your family, than the noise of sickness and despair.
# May the merciful hands of the Lord, satisfy you with healing in your body, mind, and spirit in Jesus' name.
# May the Lord spread His wings of protection over you and your family, from every evil wind blowing in the world today.
# May the mercy of the Lord keep you and your family from experiencing any form of humiliation and shame, because of all that is happening in our world today.
# May the Lord, satisfy you with the freedom and restoration you so, long for, from all forms of satanic oppression- in Jesus' name.
# May the invisible hands of the Lord, wipe away those secret tears of yours, satisfy your heart with joy, and peace and fill your mouth with laughter, in Jesus' name
# That which made you cry in the last two months, shall not repeat itself in your life this month and beyond, in Jesus might name
# May the voice of the Holy Spirit, speak, mercy, miracle, favor, and all-round heavenly blessings over you and your family this third month and beyond.
# Praying for you & with you, and it shall end in praise.
Ochegba & I Speak LIFE.
God Bless