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# Come as you are but I guarantee you. You shall not leave the way you came.

(Luke 19:10-: For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.)

# CMA-Church is a melting pot, for the broken, the unwanted, the outcast, and the rejects in our society.

# CMA Is a place for the hurting, bleeding, and misunderstood folks in our society to find healing, through the saving grace of our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ

# CMA Is a place for the voiceless, to find their voice again- through the power of the Holy Spirit.

# CMA-Is a place where the hopeless, find hope again through Christ Jesus.

# We are a church and a community of people, where the lost, come to find purpose and meaning in life, through Christ Jesus

# CMA- Is a place for the lonely, to find love and genuine affection. Because the Holy Spirit has implanted His love in our hearts for one another.

# CMA Is a church where the abused and the victim find healing, restoration, and wholeness. Through Christ Jesus

# CMA- is a church where the beaten and the broken are lifted and healed. In Jesus' name.

# CMA- Is a church where social, and class segregation, separation, and rejection. does not exist.

# CMA Is a church where tribal and racial prejudice and discrimination do not have a place.

# CMA Church is a safe place, where the abused mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually, whom the Lord, by His Spirit, has directed to come to seek refuge whiten her walls. finds peace, healing, and restoration- in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

# CMA- like many other spirit-filled churches around. is one of the spiritually and emotionally safe places and families to be a part of today.

# As the whole groans in pain, confusion, and desperation. CMA church is trusting the Lord, to us a light amid the gross darkness, the whole is experiencing today. In Jesus Mighty name.

# As a church, this is our prayer. Lord makes us, true salt, in this tasteless world, in Jesus' mighty name.

# Lord, make CMA the true voice, of -: Righteousness

Holiness, Integrity, and truth. In Jesus' name.

# The entire world is yearning secretly and longing for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God.

# Friends we are not just a place you go to. No! We are a family you belong to.

# We are a family that loves intentionally and intensely.

# By the grace of God, we want to be the true agents of hope and change in our world. So, help us God.

(Romans 13:11-: And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.)

# By faith CMA- Arise and let your lights shine.

# We will let our light shine in true forgiveness.

# We will let our light, shine in love and compassion

# We will let our light, shine in genuine kindness and affection

# We will let our light shine in service to our community.

# We will let our light, shine in giving to the poor and needy.

# We will let our light shine in helping the widows and orphans.

# We will let our light, shine in honesty and integrity

# We will let our light, shine in holiness and righteousness

(Isaiah 60:1-: Arise, shine; for thy light is come,

and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.)

# We will let our light, shine not in theological correctness, and eloquence. But in the humility of heart and love

# Lord, Jesus help us to get, rid of falsehood and pretentious lifestyle.

# Lord, Jesus help us to get, rid of bickering and backbiting

# Lord, Jesus help us to get, rid of hate and unforgiveness

# Lord, Jesus help us to get, rid of bitterness and slander

# Lord, Jesus help us to get, rid of sin and sinfulness

# Come as you are but I guarantee you. You shall not leave the way you came.

# All are welcome to CMA Church. and all are included.

# The gateway into the body of Christ is, through the blood of Christ Jesus Christ.

(Revelation 5:9-10-: And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals;

For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood

Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.”)

Ochegba- & I speak LIFE


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God Bless