# Don't join the miserable, bitter and unforgiving pagan Christian International Group IN 2025
# Refused to be dragged into their drama in 2025 and beyond
# Refuse to participate in their gossip class 101
# Refuse to join the nay-sayers club
# Refuse to be part of the bitter, jealous and crumpy people’s club
# Refuse to join the fearful and doubters pagan Christian Club International
# Refuse to be a slanderer and peddler of bad news
# Refuse to a false accuser of innocent people
# Don't spoil people's name just because you don't like them or you are envious of them
# Do not be part of joy-killers and Dream Destroyers Squadron International
# Don't destroy people's character just because you are miserable
# Choose joy and not misery
# Choose love and not hate
# Choose forgiveness and not bitterness
# Choose hope and not despair
# Ask questions when you don't understand, don't jump to conclusions just because you are bitter and hurting
# Choose to heal from your brokenness and stop bleeding on the innocent
# Choose to be happy and in a good mood - No be me dey do you!
# Am - Ochegba -& I speak LIFE.