The Lord has been very faithful to the Gilgal mission. All we can say is thank you, Lord, and thank you to all our supporters. Here is a brief summary update of 2023-2024


# Otukpo Town (Jamaica)

# We are still operating, from our first campus in Otukpo, on Jamaica Street.


# We are using two rental buildings on Jamaica Street Otukpo.


# On this location the Lord, has been so gracious to blessed Gilgal with a secondary annex in a rented facility close to the primary school building.


# On Jaimaca Otukpo we now have Secondary & Primary.



# Our first permanent campus Otada, is growing and expanding on all levels to the God, be all the glory for the miracle of growth and increase.

# We have 4 buildings- on this site, that are being used for all our academic purposes.


# A new hall, a science lab both under construction

We are also trusting God, for more buildings to accommodate the ever-growing school. 


# Otada has both primary and secondary schools operating together.


# Otada location also has a tailoring training program for students and computer science training for students.


# Otada also has 3 residential complexes for widows/ orphans and disadvantaged families. 




# By the special grace of the Lord, we stepped out in faith about a year and a half ago. To plant a new school in a remote village called Awume- about one and half hours' drive from Otukpo town


# Awume-: In Awume we have Primary section and Secondary-


# When heard that the children had to trek for about 5 kilometres to school our hearts became restless. And today to the glory of God. 


# Gilgal now has a school and a church plant in the village to the glory, and thank you to all who made this impossible task possible. We started with about 185 students, in this new location.


# The Lord, also helped us to push the boundaries a little in this new location.

By enabling us to start both primary and secondary at the same.


# In 2023-the Lord, blessed Gilgal with a school bus.

We have come a long way, to the glory of God. Indeed one should not despise the days, of little beginning. 


# Presently we have a total of 1,307- students

58 staff, spread across our three main campuses. This can only be God.




# We are trusting the Lord, to establish a small cottage cassava processing industry, and a goat farm. This will train and empower the students, widows and vulnerable women and children in the community




# Presently we are trying to get the science laboratory and exam hall ready, in the Otada campus. The walls are close to the roofing levels by the grace of God.


# The staff  residential quarters for the teachers in Awume village is nearly completion


# We also hope to have the church hall ready for use soon for church services. It is now with painting and furnishing by the grace of God.


# The vision that started in 2008 with a little over 60 children in a rented complex, now has two big permanent campuses, a temporal annex,  a church plant, three widows' residences and counting. This can only be God. 


# A big thank you to all our supporters. 


Thank you for allowing yourself to be used of the Lord, to bring hope to thousands of children and widows.

John for the Gilgal board

God bless