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# Some have godfather’s, but I have God the Father 
# Some have friends in high places, but I have the most High God 

# He is the covenant-keeping God
# The promise-keeping God

# I am serving a living God. His name is Jesus Christ, 
# He died and rose again and in Him, and through Him, I have victory, over every scheme of the enemy. 

(Psalms 20:7-: Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.)

# As for me, and my house, we will forever put our trust, in Christ and Him alone

# Who you have in your corner, will always determine the outcome of the battles of your life. You are only as strong as the God you trust and serve 

# The Great and mighty God, is my father
# He is the defender of the defenceless 
# And the father to the fatherless 

 # My God, is the restorer of hope, to the hopeless 
# My God, is the way maker
# And He remains, the only wise, all-knowing and righteous God

# My God is the one who says to Kings you’re worthless without me
# My God looks at the nobles of the land and calls them worthless to their faces 

# My God shows no partiality to kings or princesses - all are equal before Him
# My God does not and will never regard the rich more than the poor 

# My God covers Himself in darkness, yet He’s brighter than the brightest 
# The silence of my God is louder than the thunder 

# My God is the invisible one, yet He makes Himself visible and active in all creations 
# My God is the uncreated one, that created all things

# My God, is perfect, in all His ways, all-wise and all understanding 
# My God is an all-knowing, all-powerful one, yet full of compassion and rich in mercy.
# My God is strong and mighty, yet tender, kind and full of compassion 

# He's the everlasting God
# He is the joy-giver 
# He is the timeless one
# He is the ageless one
# He is the All-knowing one
# He is the All-seeing one

 # Jehovah do, Jehovah too-much

# I am Ochegba, and I love Jesus Christ of Nazareth with everything in me.
# And I am not ashamed of the beautiful, life-changing gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.

( And it's ending in praise)

Changed by the Gospel of Christ Jesus 

John Oche Omale

God Bless